Day Two 2025 Logo.png Day Two 2024_SOPHIA Loic Tous Key reliability aspects for the integration of PV in passenger cars.pdf 2024_SOPHIA Oscar Delbeke The potential and emerging reliability challenges of floating PV.pdf 2024_SOPHIA Florian Ollagnon Lightweigh Modules Ignitability Test - In-house instrument development and material charactaterisation assessment_vf.pptx 2024_SOPHIA Ariya Sangwongwanich Reliability of Power Electronics in PV Systems.pdf Jochen_Market_Module_Stability_Fraunhofer_ISE.pptx 2024_SOPHIA Daniel Clemens Reliability of Power Electronics in Renewable Energies_vf.pdf
2024_SOPHIA Florian Ollagnon Lightweigh Modules Ignitability Test - In-house instrument development and material charactaterisation assessment_vf.pptx